Certified for their high-end quality, our raw materials come from qualified suppliers and are conveniently located close to our factory to help us with quicker production
From size and weight to tenacity and other features, we check our products to see if they have been made according to your specification and perform optimally. Along with fireproofing and impact testing, our quality control team detects quality issues throughout the production process to ensure we meet deadlines without delay.
Investing greatly in quality materials and advanced equipment, we value efficiency in our production process, from material selection to quality control. To ensure quick and seamless production, we divide labor among our workforce and carry out different steps in our clean, high-end workshops.
Smart experts draw on their experience to design and manufacture quality PVC conduits and trunkings that are precisely made to cater to your markets.
Tested and certified products help give you peace of mind. Using the latest technology, we conduct inspections of PVC-U trunking and conduits that measure the toughness, thickness, and other aspects of our products. Testing their resistance to damage also helps measure product durability to ensure long-term use.
Budgie is a leading expert in flame-retardant PVC trunking, conduit and fitting, with extensive industry experience since 2006.
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